Učite kodirajući
Ovi alati pomoći će vam da eksperimentirate s Ethereumom ako više volite interaktivno iskustvo učenja.
Pješčanici za kodove
Ti će vam pješčanici pružiti prostor za eksperimentiranje s pisanjem pametnih ugovora i razumijevanjem Ethereuma.
Get started on your journey to Web3 by writing smart contracts for Ethereum with ChainIDE. Use the built-in templates to learn and save time.
Otvorite ChainIDETenderly
Tenderly Sandbox is a prototyping environment where you can write, execute, and debug smart contracts in the browser using Solidity and JavaScript.
Otvorite TenderlyRemix
Razvoj, implementacija i administriranje pametnih ugovora za Ethereum. Slijedite upute s dodatkom Learneth.
Otvorite RemixReplit
A customizable development environment for Ethereum with hot reloading, error checking, and first-class testnet support.
Otvorite ReplitEth.build
Obrazovni pješčanik za web3, uključujući povuci i ispusti programiranje, kao i blokove za gradnju otvorenog koda.
Otvorite Eth.buildDApp World
A blockchain upskilling ecosystem, including courses, quizzes, hands-on practice, and weekly contests.
Otvorite DApp WorldRemix nije samo pješčanik. Mnogi programeri pišu, kompajliraju i primenjuju svoje pametne ugovore upotrebljavajući Remix.
Interaktivni vodiči za igre
Učite dok igrate. Ovi vodiči vode vas kroz osnove igranja.
Naučite Solidity gradeći svoju vlastitu igru sa zombijima.
Otvorite CryptoZombiesCapture The Ether
Capture the Ether is a game in which you hack Ethereum smart contracts to learn about security.
Otvorite Capture The EtherNode Guardians
Node Guardians is a gamified educational platform that immerses web3 developers in fantasy-themed quests to master Solidity, Cairo, Noir, and Huff programming.
Otvorite Node GuardiansKampovi za napredovanje programera
Plaćeni internetski tečajevi koji će vam pomoći.
Learn how to build dapps on Web3 and master all the skills needed to be a blockchain developer.
Otvorite PlatziBloomTech
The BloomTech Web3 course will teach you the skills employers look for in engineers.
Otvorite BloomTechNFT School
Explore what's going on with non-fungible tokens, or NFTs from the technical side.
Otvorite NFT SchoolSpeed Run Ethereum
Speed Run Ethereum is a set of challenges to test your Solidity knowledge using Scaffold-ETH
Otvorite Speed Run EthereumAlchemy University
Develop your web3 career through courses, projects and code.
Otvorite Alchemy UniversityLearnWeb3
LearnWeb3 is a free, high quality education platform to go from zero to hero in web3 development.
Otvorite LearnWeb3Cyfrin Updraft
Learn smart contract development for all skill levels and security audits.
Otvorite Cyfrin Updraft