Asosiy tarkibga o'tish

Waffle: Dynamic mocking and testing contract calls

wafflesmart contractssoliditytestingmocking
Daniel Izdebski
14-noyabr, 2020
7 minute read minute read

What is this tutorial about?

In this tutorial you will learn how to:

  • use dynamic mocking
  • test interactions between smart contracts


  • you already know how to write a simple smart contract in Solidity
  • you know your way around JavaScript and TypeScript
  • you've done other Waffle tutorials or know a thing or two about it

Dynamic mocking

Why is dynamic mocking useful? Well, it allows us to write unit tests instead of integration tests. What does it mean? It means that we don't have to worry about smart contracts' dependencies, thus we can test all of them in complete isolation. Let me show you how exactly you can do it.

1. Project

Before we start we need to prepare a simple node.js project:

mkdir dynamic-mocking
cd dynamic-mocking
mkdir contracts src
yarn init
# or if you're using npm
npm init

Let's start with adding typescript and test dependencies - mocha & chai:

yarn add --dev @types/chai @types/mocha chai mocha ts-node typescript
# or if you're using npm
npm install @types/chai @types/mocha chai mocha ts-node typescript --save-dev

Now let's add Waffle and ethers:

yarn add --dev ethereum-waffle ethers
# or if you're using npm
npm install ethereum-waffle ethers --save-dev

Your project structure should look like this now:

2├── contracts
3├── package.json
4└── test

2. Smart contract

To start dynamic mocking, we need a smart contract with dependencies. Don't worry, I've got you covered!

Here's a simple smart contract written in Solidity whose sole purpose is to check if we're rich. It uses ERC20 token to check if we have enough tokens. Put it in ./contracts/AmIRichAlready.sol.

1pragma solidity ^0.6.2;
3interface IERC20 {
4 function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
7contract AmIRichAlready {
8 IERC20 private tokenContract;
9 uint public richness = 1000000 * 10 ** 18;
11 constructor (IERC20 _tokenContract) public {
12 tokenContract = _tokenContract;
13 }
15 function check() public view returns (bool) {
16 uint balance = tokenContract.balanceOf(msg.sender);
17 return balance > richness;
18 }
Nusxa olish

As we want to use dynamic mocking we don't need the whole ERC20, that's why we're using the IERC20 interface with only one function.

It's time to build this contract! For that we will use Waffle. First, we're going to create a simple waffle.json config file which specifies compilation options.

2 "compilerType": "solcjs",
3 "compilerVersion": "0.6.2",
4 "sourceDirectory": "./contracts",
5 "outputDirectory": "./build"
Nusxa olish

Now we're ready to build the contract with Waffle:

npx waffle

Easy, right? In build/ folder two files corresponding to the contract and the interface appeared. We will use them later for testing.

3. Testing

Let's create a file called AmIRichAlready.test.ts for the actual testing. First of all, we have to handle the imports. We will need them for later:

1import { expect, use } from "chai"
2import { Contract, utils, Wallet } from "ethers"
3import {
4 deployContract,
5 deployMockContract,
6 MockProvider,
7 solidity,
8} from "ethereum-waffle"

Except for JS dependencies, we need to import our built contract and interface:

1import IERC20 from "../build/IERC20.json"
2import AmIRichAlready from "../build/AmIRichAlready.json"

Waffle uses chai for testing. However, before we can use it, we have to inject Waffle's matchers into chai itself:


We need to implement beforeEach() function that will reset the state of the contract before each test. Let's first think of what we need there. To deploy a contract we need two things: a wallet and a deployed ERC20 contract to pass it as an argument for the AmIRichAlready contract.

Firstly we create a wallet:

1const [wallet] = new MockProvider().getWallets()

Then we need to deploy an ERC20 contract. Here's the tricky part - we have only an interface. This is the part where Waffle comes to save us. Waffle has a magical deployMockContract() function that creates a contract using solely the abi of the interface:

1const mockERC20 = await deployMockContract(wallet, IERC20.abi)

Now with both the wallet and the deployed ERC20, we can go ahead and deploy the AmIRichAlready contract:

1const contract = await deployContract(wallet, AmIRichAlready, [
2 mockERC20.address,

With all of that, our beforeEach() function is finished. So far your AmIRichAlready.test.ts file should look like this:

1import { expect, use } from "chai"
2import { Contract, utils, Wallet } from "ethers"
3import {
4 deployContract,
5 deployMockContract,
6 MockProvider,
7 solidity,
8} from "ethereum-waffle"
10import IERC20 from "../build/IERC20.json"
11import AmIRichAlready from "../build/AmIRichAlready.json"
15describe("Am I Rich Already", () => {
16 let mockERC20: Contract
17 let contract: Contract
18 let wallet: Wallet
20 beforeEach(async () => {
21 ;[wallet] = new MockProvider().getWallets()
22 mockERC20 = await deployMockContract(wallet, IERC20.abi)
23 contract = await deployContract(wallet, AmIRichAlready, [mockERC20.address])
24 })

Let's write the first test for the AmIRichAlready contract. What do you think our test should be about? Yeah, you're right! We should check if we are already rich :)

But wait a second. How will our mocked contract know what values to return? We haven't implemented any logic for the balanceOf() function. Again, Waffle can help here. Our mocked contract has some new fancy stuff to it now:

1await mockERC20.mock.<nameOfMethod>.returns(<value>)
2await mockERC20.mock.<nameOfMethod>.withArgs(<arguments>).returns(<value>)

With this knowledge we can finally write our first test:

1it("returns false if the wallet has less than 1000000 tokens", async () => {
2 await mockERC20.mock.balanceOf.returns(utils.parseEther("999999"))
3 expect(await contract.check())

Let's break down this test into parts:

  1. We set our mock ERC20 contract to always return balance of 999999 tokens.
  2. Check if the contract.check() method returns false.

We're ready to fire up the beast:

One test passing

So the test works, but... there's still some room for improvement. The balanceOf() function will always return 99999. We can improve it by specifying a wallet for which the function should return something - just like a real contract:

1it("returns false if the wallet has less than 1000001 tokens", async () => {
2 await mockERC20.mock.balanceOf
3 .withArgs(wallet.address)
4 .returns(utils.parseEther("999999"))
5 expect(await contract.check())

So far, we've tested only the case where we're not rich enough. Let's test the opposite instead:

1it("returns true if the wallet has at least 1000001 tokens", async () => {
2 await mockERC20.mock.balanceOf
3 .withArgs(wallet.address)
4 .returns(utils.parseEther("1000001"))
5 expect(await contract.check())

You run the tests...

Two tests passing

...and here you are! Our contract seems to work as intended :)

Testing contract calls

Let's sum up what've done so far. We've tested the functionality of our AmIRichAlready contract and it seems to be working properly. That means we're done, right? Not exactly! Waffle allows us to test our contract even further. But how exactly? Well, in Waffle's arsenal there's a calledOnContract() and calledOnContractWith() matchers. They will allow us to check if our contract called the ERC20 mock contract. Here's a basic test with one of these matchers:

1it("checks if contract called balanceOf on the ERC20 token", async () => {
2 await mockERC20.mock.balanceOf.returns(utils.parseEther("999999"))
3 await contract.check()
4 expect("balanceOf")

We can go even further and improve this test with the other matcher I told you about:

1it("checks if contract called balanceOf with certain wallet on the ERC20 token", async () => {
2 await mockERC20.mock.balanceOf
3 .withArgs(wallet.address)
4 .returns(utils.parseEther("999999"))
5 await contract.check()
6 expect("balanceOf"), [wallet.address])

Let's check if the tests are correct:

Three tests passing

Great, all tests are green.

Testing contract calls with Waffle is super easy. And here's the best part. These matchers work with both normal and mocked contracts! It is because Waffle records and filters EVM calls rather than inject code, like it is the case of popular testing libraries for other technologies.

The Finish Line

Congrats! Now you know how to use Waffle to test contract calls and mock contracts dynamically. There are far more interesting features to discover. I recommend diving into Waffle's documentation.

Waffle's documentation is available here(opens in a new tab).

Source code for this tutorial can be found here(opens in a new tab).

Tutorials you may also be interested in:

  • Testing smart contracts with Waffle

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