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Última actualització de la pàgina: 20 de març del 2024

Private Ethereum for enterprise

Enterprise blockchain applications can be built on the public permissionless Ethereum Mainnet, or on private blockchains that are based on Ethereum technology. For more information on building on the public Ethereum Mainnet, see Ethereum Mainnet for Enterprise.

Developer resources for private enterprise Ethereum


Some collaborative efforts to make Ethereum enterprise friendly have been put together by different organizations:

Protocol and infrastructure

  • Chainstack(opens in a new tab) multi-cloud and multi-protocol Platform as a Service empowering businesses to rapidly build, deploy, and manage decentralized networks and services
  • Clearmatics Autonity(opens in a new tab) protocol suite that implements p2p protocols and provides client software and infrastructure
  • Hyperledger Besu(opens in a new tab) Open-source Ethereum client developed under the Apache 2.0 license and written in Java, which includes several consensus algorithms including PoW, and PoA (IBFT, IBFT 2.0, Ethash, and Clique). Its comprehensive permissioning schemes are designed specifically for use in a consortium environment.
  • Kaleido(opens in a new tab) full-stack platform for building and running cross-cloud, hybrid enterprise ecosystems
  • Zeeve(opens in a new tab) provides a range of products and tools for building on Ethereum, also infrastructure and APIs for Enterprise Web3 applications

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