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Ethereum guides

A collection of practical guides explaining the basics of using Ethereum for beginners.

Ethereum guides

Do you want to start your Ethereum journey? Our practical guides lead you step-by-step on getting started, and make it easier to navigate this new technology.

Getting started

  1. How to "create" an Ethereum account - Anyone can create a wallet for free. This guide will show you where to begin.

  2. How to use a wallet - An introduction to the basic features of any wallet and how to use them.

Security basics

  1. How to revoke smart contract access to your crypto funds - If you suddenly see a transaction in your wallet that you did not initiate, this guide will teach you how to prevent that from happening again.

  2. How to identify scam tokens - What are scam tokens, how do they make themselves look legitimate, and how to identify them to protect yourself and avoid being scammed.

Using Ethereum

  1. How to bridge tokens to layer 2 - Are Ethereum transactions too costly? Consider moving to Ethereum scaling solutions called layer 2s.

  2. How to swap tokens - Do you want to exchange your tokens for a different one? This simple guide will show you how to do that.

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Última actualització del lloc web: 24 de juliol del 2024


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  • Guies
  • Trieu la vostra cartera
  • Aconseguiu ETH
  • Dapps - Aplicacions descentralitzades
  • Monedes estables
  • NFT - Fitxes no fungibles
  • DeFi - Finances descentralitzades
  • DAO - Organitzacions autònomes descentralitzades
  • Identitat descentralitzada
  • Aposteu ETH
  • Capa 2
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