What is home staking?
Home staking is the act of running an Ethereum node connected to the internet and depositing 32 ETH to activate a validator, giving you the ability to participate directly in network consensus.
Home staking increases the decentralization of the Ethereum network, making Ethereum more censorship-resistant and robust against attacks. Other staking methods may not help the network in the same ways. Home staking is the best staking option for securing Ethereum.
An Ethereum node consists of both an execution layer (EL) client, as well as a consensus layer (CL) client. These clients are software that work together, along with a valid set of signing keys, to verify transactions and blocks, attest to the correct head of the chain, aggregate attestations, and propose blocks.
Home stakers are responsible for operating the hardware needed to run these clients. It is highly recommended to use a dedicated machine for this that you operate from home–this is extremely beneficial to the health of the network.
A home staker receives rewards directly from the protocol for keeping their validator properly functioning and online.
Why stake from home?
Home staking comes with more responsibility but provides you with maximum control over your funds and staking setup.
Earn fresh ETH
Earn ETH-denominated rewards directly from the protocol when your validator is online, without any middlemen taking a cut.
Full control
Keep your own keys. Choose the combination of clients and hardware that allows you to minimize your risk and best contribute to the health and security of the network. Third-party staking services make these decisions for you, and they don't always make the safest choices.
Network security
Home staking is the most impactful way to stake. By running a validator on your own hardware at home, you strengthen the robustness, decentralization, and security of the Ethereum protocol.
Considerations before home staking
As much as we wish that home staking was accessible and risk free to everyone, this is not reality. There are some practical and serious considerations to keep in mind before choosing to home stake your ETH.
Comparació amb altres opcions
L'apilament com a servei (SaaS)
Amb els proveïdors SaaS encara estàs obligat a dipositar 32 ETH, però no has d'executar maquinari. Normalment tindràs accés a les claus del validador, però també has de compartir les claus de signatura perquè l'operador pugui actuar en nom del validador. Això introdueix una capa de confiança no present quan s'executa el teu propi maquinari, i a diferència de l'apilament individual, el SaaS no ajuda tant amb la distribució geogràfica dels nodes. Si estàs incòmode amb el maquinari operatiu però encara busques la participació de 32 ETH, utilitzar un proveïdor SaaS pot ser una bona opció per a tu.
Descobreix més sobre l'apilament com a serveiApilament en grup
L'apilament individual està significativament més involucrat que amb un servei d'agrupament, però ofereix accés complet a les recompenses ETH, i control total sobre la configuració i seguretat del teu validador. L'apilament agrupat té una barrera significativament més baixa per a l'entrada. Els usuaris poden participar en petites quantitats d'ETH, no estan obligats a generar claus validadores i no tenen cap requisit de maquinari més enllà d'una connexió a Internet estàndard. Els tokens de liquiditat permeten la possibilitat de sortir de la presa abans que aquesta estigui activada a nivell de protocol. Si t'interessen aquestes característiques, l'pilament agrupat pot ser la teva opció.
Descobreix més sobre l'apilament en grupHow it works
Obtén maquinari: necessites executar un node per apilar ETH
Sincronitza una capa d'execució com a usuari
Sincronitza una capa de consens com a usuari
Genera les teves credencials i usa-les per firmar el teu validador d'usuari
Monitora i mantén operatiu el teu node

While active you will earn ETH rewards, which will be periodically deposited into your withdrawal address.
If ever desired, you can exit as a validator which eliminates the requirement to be online, and stops any further rewards. Your remaining balance will then be withdrawn to the withdrawal address that you designate during setup.
Get started on the Staking Launchpad
The Staking Launchpad is an open source application that will help you become a staker. It will guide you through choosing your clients, generate your keys and depositing your ETH to the staking deposit contract. A checklist is provided to make sure you've covered everything to get your validator set up safely.
S'espera que els validadors individuals comprovin la seva configuració i habilitats operatives a la xarxa de proves de Holesky abans d'arriscar fons. Recorda que és important triar un client de minoria ja que millora la seguretat de la xarxa i limita el teu risc.
Si estàs còmode amb això, pots configurar tot el que necessitis des de la línia de comandes utilitzant la Plataforma de llançament d'apilament.
Per facilitar-ho, consulta algunes de les eines i guies que trobaràs a continuació que t'ajudaran tant com la Plataforma de llançament d'apilament a configurar els teus clients amb facilitat.
What to consider with node and client setup tools
There are a growing number of tools and services to help you home stake your ETH, but each come with different risks and benefits.
Attribute indicators are used below to signal notable strengths or weaknesses a listed staking tool may have. Use this section as a reference for how we define these attributes while you’re choosing what tools to help with your staking journey.
- Codi obert
- Auditat
- Recompensa d'error
- Experiència de combat
- Sense acreditacions
- Permissionless
- Multiclient
- Autodetecció
- Econòmic
Codi obert
El codi essencial és 100 % de codi obert i està disponible per al públic per bifurcar i utilitzar
Codi obert
Codi tancat
Explore node and client setup tools
There are a variety of options available to help you with your setup. Use the above indicators to help guide you through the tools below.
Node tools
Please note the importance of choosing a minority client as it improves the security of the network, and limits your risk. Tools that allow you to setup minority client are denoted as "multi-client."
Key Generators
These tools can be used as an alternative to the Staking Deposit CLI to help with key generation.
Have a suggestion for a staking tool we missed? Check out our product listing policy to see if it would be a good fit, and to submit it for review.
Explore home staking guides
Frequently asked questions
These are a few of the most common questions about staking that are worth knowing about.
Further reading
- The Ethereum Staking Directory - Eridian and Spacesider
- Ethereum's Client Diversity Problem - @emmanuelawosika 2022
- Helping Client Diversity - Jim McDonald 2022
- Client diversity on Ethereum's consensus layer - jmcook.eth 2022
- How To: Shop For Ethereum Validator Hardware - EthStaker 2022
- Step by Step: How to join the Ethereum 2.0 Testnet - Butta
- Eth2 Slashing Prevention Tips - Raul Jordan 2020