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페이지가 마지막으로 업데이트됨: 2024년 5월 15일

Upcoming events

Every month, there are major Ethereum events around the world. Consider attending one near you to meet more people in the community, learn about employment opportunities, and develop new skills.

We're not aware of any upcoming events. Know of one? Please add it to this page!(opens in a new tab)

This is a non-exhaustive list maintained by our community. Know of an upcoming Ethereum event to add to this list? Please add it(opens in a new tab)!

Ethereum meetups

Don't see an event that works for you? Try joining a meetup. Meetups are smaller events held by groups of Ethereum enthusiasts - a chance for people interested in Ethereum to get together, talk about Ethereum, and learn about recent developments.

Interested in starting your own meetup? Check out the BUIDL Network(opens in a new tab), an initiative by ConsenSys to help support Ethereum’s meetup communities.

This is a non-exhaustive list built by our community. You can find more Ethereum meetups here(opens in a new tab). Know of an active meetup group to add to this list? Please add it(opens in a new tab)!

이 문서가 도움이 되셨나요?

웹사이트가 마지막으로 업데이트됨: 2024년 7월 24일


  • 학습 허브
  • 이더리움이란?
  • 이더(ETH)란?
  • 이더리움 지갑
  • Web3란 무엇입니까?
  • 스마트 계약
  • Gas fees
  • 노드 실행하기
  • 이더리움 보안 및 사기 방지
  • 퀴즈 허브
  • 이더리움 용어집


(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)
  • 회사 소개
  • 이더리움 브랜드 자산
  • 운영 규정
  • 채용 정보
  • 개인정보 보호 정책
  • 이용 약관
  • 쿠키 정책
  • 연락처(opens in a new tab)