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2024 Translatathon

Welcome to the Translatathon!

The translatathon is a competitive hackathon-style event where you can compete for prizes by translating content into different languages.


The Translatathon brings together people from different expertise and cultures to collaborate on one goal: making Ethereum knowledge accessible in as many languages as possible. This year, with the support of local communities, we are bringing Translatathon Hubs to several cities worldwide, where people can get together, meet fellow Ethereum enthusiasts, and participate in the Translatathon.

Why do we do it

Translating is often a lonely task, but it doesn't have to be. By gathering participants in one place, they can enjoy the solitude of crafting the perfect translation while still taking breaks to socialize, have a coffee, and share the most challenging or funny terms they've encountered while translating.

How does it work

Check the list of Translatathon Hubs to see if there's one happening in your city! Remember, the Translatathon is an online competition, so you can always participate from the comfort of your couch.

List of Translatathon Hubs

Bucharest, Romania

Ethereum Translatathon Bucharest 🌐🐬

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Eth Translatathon

Belgrade, Serbia

Ethereum Translatathon — ETH Belgrade

Taipei, Taiwan

2024 Translatathon Hub - Taiwan

Lusaka, Zambia

Ethereum Translatathon - Hosted by ETHZambezi

Kaduna, Nigeria

Ethereum Hausa Translatathon

Lagos, Nigeria

Ethereum Yorùbá Translatathon

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ethereum Translathon 📜🔍 hosted by EthSamba & BambaLabs

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Lepak and Join Translatathon

Kerala, India - TRANSLATATHON INDIA - Jñāna

Accra, Ghana

Ghana Ethereum Translatathon 2024

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