Učenje s kodiranjem
Ta orodja vam bodo pomagala eksperimentirati z Ethereumom, če imate raje interaktivno učno izkušnjo.
Peskovniki za kodiranje
Ti peskovniki ponujajo prostor za eksperimentiranje s pisanjem pametnih pogodb in razumevanjem Ethereuma.
A customizable development environment for Ethereum with hot reloading, error checking, and first-class testnet support.
Odpri Replit(opens in a new tab)DApp World
A blockchain upskilling ecosystem, including courses, quizzes, hands-on practice, and weekly contests.
Odpri DApp World(opens in a new tab)Tenderly
Tenderly Sandbox is a prototyping environment where you can write, execute, and debug smart contracts in the browser using Solidity and JavaScript.
Odpri Tenderly(opens in a new tab)Remix
Razvijajte, uvajajte in upravljajte pametne pogodbe za Ethereum. Sledite vadnicam z vtičnikom Learneth.
Odpri Remix(opens in a new tab)ChainIDE
Get started on your journey to Web3 by writing smart contracts for Ethereum with ChainIDE. Use the built-in templates to learn and save time.
Odpri ChainIDE(opens in a new tab)Atlas
Write, test, and deploy smart contracts in minutes with the Atlas IDE.
Odpri Atlas(opens in a new tab)Eth.build
Izobraževalni peskovnik za web3, vključno s programiranjem povleci in spusti ter odprtokodnimi gradniki.
Odpri Eth.build(opens in a new tab)Remix ni samo peskovnik. Številni razvijalci pišejo, prevajajo in uvajajo svoje pametne pogodbe z orodjem Remix.
Interaktivne vadnice z igrami
Učite se z igranjem. Te vadnice vam bodo osnove predstavile z igranjem.
Naučite se jezika Solidity z razvijanjem igre z zombiji.
Odpri CryptoZombies(opens in a new tab)Ethernauts
Dokončajte ravni z vdiranjem v pametne pogodbe.
Odpri Ethernauts(opens in a new tab)Capture The Ether
Ujemite Ether je igra, v kateri vdirate v Ethereumove pametne pogodbe, da se seznanite z varnostjo.
Odpri Capture The Ether(opens in a new tab)Node Guardians
Node Guardians is a gamified educational platform that immerses web3 developers in fantasy-themed quests to master Solidity, Cairo, Noir, and Huff programming.
Odpri Node Guardians(opens in a new tab)Izobraževalni tabori za razvijalce
Plačljivi spletni tečaji, s katerimi boste hitro na tekočem.
Learn how to build dapps on Web3 and master all the skills needed to be a blockchain developer.
Odpri Platzi(opens in a new tab)ConsenSys Academy
Spletni izobraževalni tabor za razvijalce na Ethereumu.
Odpri ConsenSys Academy(opens in a new tab)BloomTech
The BloomTech Web3 course will teach you the skills employers look for in engineers.
Odpri BloomTech(opens in a new tab)Questbook
Samostojne vaje za praktično učenje tehnologije Web 3.0
Odpri Questbook(opens in a new tab)Metaschool
Become a Web3 Developer by building & shipping dApps.
Odpri Metaschool(opens in a new tab)NFT School
Raziščite kaj se dogaja z nezamenljivimi žetoni ali NFT-ji s tehnične strani.
Odpri NFT School(opens in a new tab)Speed Run Ethereum
Speed Run Ethereum is a set of challenges to test your Solidity knowledge using Scaffold-ETH
Odpri Speed Run Ethereum(opens in a new tab)Alchemy University
Develop your web3 career through courses, projects and code.
Odpri Alchemy University(opens in a new tab)LearnWeb3
LearnWeb3 is a free, high quality education platform to go from zero to hero in web3 development.
Odpri LearnWeb3(opens in a new tab)Cyfrin Updraft
Learn smart contract development for all skill levels and security audits.
Odpri Cyfrin Updraft(opens in a new tab)