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Stránka naposledy aktualizována: 8. června 2024

Ethereum grants

The programs listed below offer a variety of funding grants for projects working to promote the success and growth of the Ethereum ecosystem. Use this as a guide to find and apply for funds to help make your next Ethereum project a success.

This list is curated by our community. If there's something missing or incorrect, please edit this page!

Broad Ethereum ecosystem

These programs support the broad Ethereum ecosystem by offering grants to a wide scope of projects. These include solutions for scalability, community building, security, privacy, and more. These grants are not specific to any one Ethereum platform and are a good place to start if you're unsure.

Project specific

These projects have created their own grants for projects aimed at developing and experimenting with their own technology.

Quadratic funding

The open source roots of Ethereum have led to the growth of an interesting new fundraising model: quadratic funding. This has the potential to improve the way we fund all types of public goods in the future. Quadratic funding makes sure that the projects that receive the most funding are those with the most unique demand. In other words, projects that stand to improve the lives of the most people. More on quadratic funding.

Work in Ethereum

Not ready to start your own project? There are hundreds of companies actively looking for passionate individuals to work in and contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem. Looking for more information? Check out Ethereum related jobs

Byl tento článek užitečný?

Stránky naposledy aktualizovány: 24. července 2024


  • Akademie
  • Co je to Ethereum?
  • Co je ether (ETH)?
  • Peněženky pro Ethereum
  • Co je Web3?
  • Chytré kontrakty
  • Gas fees
  • Spustit uzel
  • Bezpečnost a předcházení podvodům v Ethereu
  • Kvízové centrum
  • Slovník pojmů pro platformu Ethereum


  • Domovská stránka pro tvůrce
  • Návody
  • Dokumentace
  • Učte se psaním kódu
  • Nastavit místní prostředí
  • Granty
  • Základní témata
  • Základy designu UX/UI
  • Pro firmy – Hlavní síť Etherea
  • Pro firmy – Soukromé Ethereum
(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)
  • O nás
  • Aktiva značky Ethereum
  • Etický kodex
  • Otevřené pozice
  • Zásady ochrany osobních údajů
  • Podmínky použití
  • Zásady používání souborů cookie
  • Kontakt pro tisk(opens in a new tab)