Muta ihe site na iji ndokwa
Ngwa ndị a ga enyere gị aka ịnwale Ethereum ma ọ bụrụ na ịchọrọ ahụmịhe mmụta mmekọrịta karịa.
Koodù sandbox
Sandboxes ndị a ga enye gị ohere ịnwale na ịde nkwekọrịta smart na ịghọta Ethereum.
Zụlite, zipu ma na-elekọta nkwekọrịta smart maka Ethereum. Soro nkuzi na ngwa mgbakwunye LearnEth.
Mepee RemixTenderly
Tenderly Sandbox bụ nro bụ ebe nlere anya ebe ị nwere ike dee, mebie, ma mebie nkwekọrịta smart na ihe nchọgharị site na iji Solidity na JavaScript.
Mepee TenderlyChainIDE
Bido njem gị na Web3 site na iji ChainIDE dee nkwekọrịta smart maka Ethereum. Jiri ndebiri arụnyere n'ime ka ịmụta na chekwaa oge.
Igbe akwụkwọ nkuzi maka web3, gụnyere mmemme ịdọrọ-na-idobe na ngọngọ ụlọ mepere emepe.
Mepee Eth.buildReplit
Ebe mmepe nwere ike ịhazi maka Ethereum nwere nbugharị ọkụ, nlele njehie, yana nkwado testnet klas mbụ.
Mepee ReplitDApp World
A blockchain upskilling ecosystem, including courses, quizzes, hands-on practice, and weekly contests.
Mepee DApp WorldRemix, Replit, na ChainIDE abụghị naanị igbe ájá — ndị mmepe nwere ike ide, chịkọta ma bugharịa nkwekọrịta smart ha site na iji ha.
Egwuregwu nkuzi mmekọrịta
Mụta mgbe ị na-egwu egwu. Nkuzi ndị a ga eme ka ịghọta ihe ndabere site na iji gameplay.
Capture The Ether
Weghara Ether bụ egwuregwu nke ị nataghi ikike Ethereum smart contracts iji mụta maka nchekwa.
Mepee Capture The EtherNode Guardians
Node Guardians is a gamified educational platform that immerses web3 developers in fantasy-themed quests to master Solidity, Cairo, Noir, and Huff programming.
Mepee Node GuardiansBuutcam Onye mmepụta
Nkuzi n'ịntanetị akwụ ụgwọ iji mee ka ị mee ọsọ, ngwa ngwa.
Mụta ka esi arụ dapps na Web3 wee mata nkà niile achọrọ iji bụrụ onye nrụpụta blockchain.
Mepee PlatziBloomTech
Usoro BloomTech Web3 ga akụziri gị nkà ndị ọrụ na-achọ na ndị injinia.
Mepee BloomTechNFT School
Nyochaa ihe na-eme site na token enweghị ike idochi, ma ọ bụ NFT sitere na akụkụ teknụzụ.
Mepee NFT SchoolSpeed Run Ethereum
Speed Run Ethereum bụ ihe ịma aka iji nwalee ihe ọmụma Solidity gị site na iji Scaffold-ETH
Mepee Speed Run EthereumAlchemy University
Zụlite ọrụ web3 gị site na agụmakwụkwọ, ọrụ na koodu.
Mepee Alchemy UniversityLearnWeb3
LearnWeb3 is a free, high quality education platform to go from zero to hero in web3 development.
Mepee LearnWeb3Cyfrin Updraft
Learn smart contract development for all skill levels and security audits.
Mepee Cyfrin Updraft