Make yu shek di deposit kontract address
Dis na di address wey yu go yus for Ethereum staking kontract. Make yu yus dis page to konfam sey yu dey send funds to di koret address wen yu stake.
Dis nor bi wia yu stake
If yu wan stake yor ETH yu gats yus di launchpad wey dey afailabol and follow di rules. If yu send ETH to di address wey dey dis page nor go make yu one staker, and go make di transakshon fail. More on stakin
Yus launchpad to stakeShek dis sorsis
Wi ekspet make plenti fake address and skam dey. To dey safe, shek di staking kontract address wey yu dey yus against di address on dis page. Wi rekomend to dey shek am wit oda sorsis wey yu trust too.
Make yu shek di deposit kontract address
Konfam to show address
To dey send funds to dis address nor go work and nor go make yu staker. Yu suppose follow di launchpad instrukshon. Yus launchpad