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Digital money wey yu fit yus evryday

Stabolcoins na coins wey dey built ontop Ethereum, wey dem design make dem dey one fixed price, even if de price of ETH shange dem nor go shange price.

Di three stabolcoins wey big pass by hau much wey pipol don by na: Dai, USDC, and Tether.

Why stabolcoins?

Stabolcoins na cryptocurrencies wey nor dey fluntuate. Dem shia plenti same powers as ETH, but dia value dey stabol, e be like traditional currency. So yu go get asess to money wey dey stabol wey yu fit yus for Ethereum. Hau stabolcoins dey take get dem stabol price

Stablecoins dey efriwia and dem fit send am ontop intanet, e kon dey izy to send and risiv wons yu get .

Dimand for stabolcoins dey high, so yu fit earn interest if yu lend yors. Make sure say yu sabi di risks bifor yu lend.

Yu fit ekshanj stabolcoins for ETH and oda Ethereum tokens. Plenti dey rely on stabolcoins.

Stabolcoins dey sikure by . Nor one fit fake transakshons for dem.

Di Bitcoin pizza wey nor popula

For 2010, one pesin buy 2 pizza for 10,000 bitcoin. For dat taim, di 10,000 worth ~$41 USD. For tuday's market, e dey worth millions of dollars. E get plenti similar transakshons wey pipol rigret for Ethereum's history too. Stabolcoins find solushon to all dis palava, wit stabolcoins yu go fit chop yor pizza and hold yor ETH witout regreting anytin later.

Look for one stabolcoin

E reach hundreds of stabolcoins wey dey afailabol. Here na some wey go fit helep yu start. If yu bi biginna for Ethereum, wi go rekomend make yu do some risearsh first.

Editors' choices

For nau, dis ones probably be di eksampols of stabolcoins wey dem sabi wella and di coins wi don find yusful as wi dey yus dapps.


Dai fit bi di decentralize stabolcoin wey popula pass. E value na like one dollar and dem dey asept am well well for dapps.

Di logo for Dai


USDC na probably di fiat-backed stabolcoin wey popula pass. Im value na like one dollar and e dey backed by Cirkol and Coinbase.

DiUSDC logo

Top stabolcoins by market kapitalizashon

Algorithmic for stabolcoins na esperimental technology. Yu suppose sabi di risks bifor yu start to dey yus dem.

Market kapitalizashon na di total numba of tokens wey dey exist multiplied by di value per token. Dis list dey shange and di projects wey dem list here nor mean sey di team go endorse dem.

CurrencyKapitalizashon for marketType for kollateral
$141,938,351,082FiatGo to Tether(opens in a new tab)
$56,047,668,113FiatGo to USDC(opens in a new tab)
$3,487,497,521CryptoGo to Dai(opens in a new tab)
$632,259,408AlgorithmicGo to Frax(opens in a new tab) USDX
$623,209,413CryptoGo to USDX(opens in a new tab)
PAX Gold
$599,224,623Metals wey dey preshiosGo to PAX Gold(opens in a new tab)
$493,926,688FiatGo to TrueUSD(opens in a new tab)

Hau to take get stabolcoins

Save wit stabolcoins

Stabolcoins dey mostly get interest rate wey dey above averaj evrytaim bikos many pipol dey dimand to borow dem. Some dapps dey wey yu fit yus yor stabolcoins earn interest by putting yor coins inside one place wey pipol go fit borow am, and you go dey earn interest for yor stabolcoins instanta as you deposit dem inside the place. Just like hau e dey for banks, yu dey supply coins for pipol wey wont borow but yu fit withdraw yor coins and yor interest at any taim wey yu wont.

Intrest-earnin for dapps

Put yor stabolcoin savings for good yus to take earn some interest. Just like hau evrytin dey for crypto, the predicted Annual Percentage Yields (APY) (which means: hau much yu go dey earn wit yor coins per year) fit shange day-to-day based on the real-time supply and dimand.

Aave logo

Aave(opens in a new tab)

Markets dey for many stabolcoins, inkludin Dai, USDC, TUSD, USDT, and odas.

Komunity logo

Compound(opens in a new tab)

Lend stabolcoins and earn interest and $COMP, Compound's coin. Na extra gain be dat. logo in a new tab)

One app wey dem design for saving Dai.

Hau dem dey work: types of stabolcoin

Always do yor own risearsh

Algorithmic for stabolcoins na esperimental technology. Yu suppose sabi di risks bifor yu start to dey yus dem.

Backed by fiat

Basikaly, e bi like one IOU (I owe yu) for tradishonal fiat kurensy (mostly dollars). Yu fit yus yor fiat kurensy buy one stabolcoin wey yu fit later cash-out and turn am to yor original kurensy.


  • E dey safe against crypto price flunctuashon.
  • Shangis for price nor dey too much.


  • Sentralized - sombody supose issue di tokens.
  • E dey rikwaya to dey audit to make sure sey di kompany get enuf risav.

Wey crypto dey back

Metals wey dey preshios


Find plenty tori about stabolcoins

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