Wetin bi staking as one savis?
Staking as a savis (“SaaS") dey reprisent one kategory of staking savis wia yu deposit yor own 32 ETH for one validator, but delegate node operashons to one third-party operator. Dis process ushualy involve make dem guide yu thru di initial setup, inkludin key generashon and deposit, den to dey upload yor signing keys to di operator. Dis dey allow di savis to operate yor validator on yor behalf, ushualy for one monthly fee.
Why stake wit one savis?
Di Ethereum protokol nor dey suppot delegashon of stake, so dem don build dis savis to fill dis dimand. If yu get 32 ETH to stake, but nor feel komfotabol to dey deal wit hardwia, SaaS savis allow yu to delegate di hard part as yu dey earn native block riwods.
Yor own validator
Deposit your own 32 ETH to activate your own set of signing keys that will participate in Ethereum consensus. Monitor your progress with dashboards to watch those ETH rewards accumulate.
Izy to start
Forget about hardware specs, setup, node maintenance and upgrades. SaaS providers let you outsource the hard part by uploading your own signing credentials, allowing them to run a validator on your behalf, for a small cost.
Ridus yor risk
In many cases users do not have to give up access to the keys that enable withdrawing or transferring staked funds. These are different from the signing keys, and can be stored separately to limit (but not eliminate) your risk as a staker.
Komparison wit oda opshons
Home Staking
Wetin bi di same na to get your own validator keys as yu nor nid get pool funds, but wit SaaS yu suppose trust anoda pesin, wey fit cause kpatakpata abi bikom target of attak abi dey regulate demsef. If dis trust asumpshons abi sentralizashon risks konsan yu, di gold standard of sef-sovereign staking na solo staking.
Make yu learn more about solo stakingPooled stakin
Dis tins na same wey be say yu don dey totally rest on anoda pesin to run di validator klient, but unlaik SaaS, dis pooled staking go give yu shance to join wit smoll amunt of ETH. If yu wont stake wit monie wey nor rish 32 ETH, make yu shek dis.
Make yu learn more about pooled stakingWetin to konsida
A growing memba of SaaS providas dey to helep yu stake yor ETH, but dem all have dia own benefits and risks. All SaaS opshons nid adishonal trust asumpshons kompia to home-staking. Saas opshons fit get adishonal kode wey dey wrap di Ethereum klients wey nor dey open abi auditabol. SaaS also get detrimental effect on netwok disentralizashon. Dipending on di setup, yu fit nor kontrol yor validator - di operator fit nor dey true as yu dey yus yor ETH.
Dem yus attribute indikators bilow to signal notabol strengths abi wikness wey one listed SaaS provida fit get. Yus dis sekshon as refrens for hau wi difine dis attribute as yu dey shuse one savis to helep yu wit yor staking journey.
- Open sorse
- Audited
- Bug bounty
- Battol wey yu don test
- Pamishonless
- Exekushon wey dey diffren
- Difren tins wey wi gri for
- Sef custodi
Open sorse
Essenshial code na 100% open sourse wey dey afailabol to di publik to di pipol wey dey yus am
Open sorse
Closed sourse
Make yu eksplore staking savis providas
Bilow na some afailabol SaaS providas. Yus di above indikators to helep guide yu thru dis savis.
SaaS providas
Abeg note di impotans to dey suppot klient diversity as im dey impruf di sekurity of di netwok, and ridus yor risk. Savis wey get evidens to dey ridus plenti klient dey yus na im dem don indikate wit "exekushon klient diversity" and "konsensus klient diversity."
Key Generators
Get one sugeshon for one staking-as-a-service provida wey wi miss? Yu fit shek out awa product listing policy to si if im go fit yu to submit am for review.
Frequently asked questions
Further reading
- Di Ethereum Staking Directory - Eridian and Spacesider
- Evaluating Staking Savis - Jim McDonald 2020