Wetin bi solo staking?
Solo staking na di way to run one Ethereum node wey don konet to di intanet and dey deposit 32 ETH to aktivate one validator, as dem give yu di ability to partisipate diret in netwok konsesus.
Solo staking dey inkrease di disentralizashon of di Ethereum netwok, wey dey make Ethereum more sensorship-resistant and robust against attaks. Oda staking metods fit nor helep di netwok in di same ways. Solo staking na di staking opshon wey betta pass to sekure Ethereum.
One Ethereum node konsist of both exekushon layer (EL) klient, as well as one konsensus layer (CL) klient. Dis klients na softwia wey dey work togeda, along wit one valid set of signing keys, to verify transakshons and blocks, attest to di koret head of di chain, gada attestashons, and propose blocks.
Solo stakers dey resposibol to dey operate di hardwia wey yu nid to run dis klients. Wi rekomend wella to yus one mashine wey yu dedikate for dis wey yu operate from home-dis get benefit to di health of di netwok.
One solo staker dey risiv riwods diret from di protokol to dey kip dia validator wey dey funkshon wella and online.
Why yu nid stake solo?
Solo staking dey kome wit more responsibility but dey provide yu wit maximum kontrol ova yor funds and staking setup.
Make yu dey earn fresh ETH
Earn ETH-denominated rewards directly from the protocol when your validator is online, without any middlemen taking a cut.
Full kontrol
Keep your own keys. Choose the combination of clients and hardware that allows you to minimize your risk and best contribute to the health and security of the network. Third-party staking services make these decisions for you, and they don't always make the safest choices.
Netwok sekurity
Solo staking is the most impactful way to stake. By running a validator on your own hardware at home, you strengthen the robustness, decentralization, and security of the Ethereum protocol.
Konsiderashons bifor staking solo
As musch as wi wish make solo staking dey accessibol and risk free to efrione, dis nor bi reality. Some pratika and sirios konsidrashon dey to kip in mind bifor to dey shuse to solo stake yor ETH.
Komparison wit oda opshons
Staking as a savis (SaaS)
Wit SaaS providas wi still wont make yu deposit 32 ETH, but yu nor nid run hardware. Yu still dey kip yor validator keys, but also nid to shia yor signing keys so dat di operator fit do am for yor validator. Dis dey show one layer of trust wey nor present wen yu dey run yor own hardware, and unlaik solo staking for home, SaaS nor helep as much wit geographic distribushon of nodes. If yu nor dey komfortabol to dey operate hardware but still dey look to stake 32 ETH, as yu dey yus one SaaS provida fit bi one good opshon for yu.
Make yu learn more about staking as one savisPooled stakin
Solo staking dey impotant pass staking wit one pooling savis, but dey offer full access to ETH riwods, and full kontrol ova di setup and sekurity of yor validator. Pooled staking get one strong lower barrier to enter. Users fit stake smoll amounts of ETH, dem nor nid to generate validator keys, and get nor hardware rikwayament pass one standard intanet koneshon. Liquidity tokens go make yu komot from staking bifor dem enabol am for protokol level. if yu get interest in dis feature, pooled staking fit dey good.
Make yu learn more about pooled stakingHau im dey work
Yu get some hardwia: Yu go nid to run one node to stake
Sync one exekushon layer klient
Sync one konsensus layer klient
Make yu generate yor keys and load dem into yor validator klient
Make yu monitor and maintain yor node

As yu dey active yu go earn ETH riwods, wey go dey drop into yor witdrawal address.
If yu want, yu fit komot as validator wey dey komot wetin yu nid to dey online, and dey stop any oda riwod. Dem go kon witdraw yor balans wey rimainto di widrawal address wey yu shuse during setup.
Make yu start on di Staking Launchpad
Di Staking Launchpad na one open sorse aplikashon wey go helep yu bikom one staker. Im go guide yu as yu dey shuse yor klients, generate yor keys and dey deposite yor ETH to di staking deposit kontract. Wi don provide one sheklist to make sure sey yu don kova efritin to get yor validator wey yu setup safely.
Solo validators suppose confam dem setup and skills dem dey yus operate on di Holesky testnet bifor yu go risk funds. Rimemba sey e dey impotant to shuse one minority klient as im dey impruv di sekurity of di netwok and e dey redus risk.
If yu dey okay wit am yu fit set up efritin wey yu go nid from di komand line as yu dey yus di Staking Launchpad alone.
To make tins izy wella, shek some of di tools and guides below wey fit helep yu wit di Staking Launchpad to get yor klients set up izy.
Wetin to konsida wit node and klient setup tools
Dis na numba of tools and savis wey dey grow to helep yu solo stake yor ETH, but ish dey kome wit difren risks and benefits.
Dem dey yus attribute indikators bilow to signal notabol strenght abi wikness wey dey in di listed staking tool wey yu get. Yus dis sekshon as one refrens for hau wi difine dis atribute as yu dey shuse wat tools to helep wit yor staking joni.
- Open sorse
- Audited
- Bug bounty
- Battol wey yu don test
- Trust nor dey
- Pamishonless
- Plenti klient
- Sef custodi
- Ekonomikal
Open sorse
Essenshial code na 100% open sourse wey dey afailabol to di publik to di pipol wey dey yus am
Open sorse
Closed sourse
Make yu eksplore node and klient setup tools
Plenti of opshons dey afailabol to helep yu wit yor setup. Make yu yus di above indikators to helep guide yu thru di tools bilow.
Node tools
Abeg note di impotans to dey shuse one smoll klient as e dey impruf di sekurity of im netwok, and dey ridus yor risk. Dem make di tools wey dey allow yu setup minority klient as "multi-klient."
Key Generators
Dem fit yus dis tools as one altanative to di Staking Deposit CLI to helep wit key generashon.
Shey yu get sugeshon for one staking toll wey wi miss? Yu fit shek out awa product listing policy to si if im go fit yu to submit am for review.
Make yu eksplore solo staking guides
Frequently asked questions
Dis na few of di plenti komon kweshons abou staking wey dem suppose sabi.
Further reading
- Di Ethereum Staking Directory - Eridian and Spacesider
- Ethereum's Klient Diversity Palava - @emmanuelawosika 2022
- To Dey Helep Klient Diversity - Jim McDonald 2022
- Klient diversity for Ethereum konsensus layer - jmcook.eth 2022
- Hau To: Dey Shop For Ethereum Validator Hardware - EthStaker 2022
- Step by Step: Hau to join di EThereum 2.0 Testnet - Butta
- Tips Wey Dey Privent Eth2 Slashing - Raul Jordan 2020