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Introdukshon to Web3

Sentralizashon don helep bring plenti pipol to di World Wide Web and don kreate di stabol, robust infrastrushure on wich im dey live. At di same taim, one handful of sentralized pesin get stronghold on large swathes of di World Wide Web, wey dey deside wetin suppose allow and wetin wey nor suppose allow togeda.

Web3 na di ansa to dis dilemma. Insted of one Web wey dem monopolize by large teknologi kompanis, Web3 dey embrase disentralizashon and na im users build, operate, and own am. Web3 dey put pawa in di hands of individuals and nor bi korporashons. Bifor wi tok abou Wb3, make wi explore hau wi get here.

Di early Web

Most pipol dey tink of di Web as one pillar of modern life wey dey kontinue—dem invent am and don dey exist sinse. Haueva, di Web wey most of us sabi tuday dey difren smoll from di one wi imajin bifor. To ondastand dis matta well-well, im dey helep brake di web short tory into luz piriods—Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.

Web 1.0: Read-Only (1990-2004)

For 1989, at CERN, Geneva, Tim Berners-Lee dey busy to dey divelop di protokol wey go bikom di World Wide Web. En idia? To kretae open, disentralize protokols wey dey allow informashon-sharing from anywia on Earth.

Di first taim wey Berners-Lee kreate am, wey wi nau sabi as 'Web 1.0', hapun bitwin 1990 to 2004. Web 1.0 na di main statik websites wey kompanis own, and klose to zero interashon bitwin users - individuals seldom produse kontent - wey dey lead to am as dem sabi am as di read-only web.

Strukshure wey dey serve kustoma, wey dey reprisent Web 1.0

Web 2.0: Read-Write (2004-nau)

Di Web 2.0 piriod don bigin in 2004 wit di start of soshial midia platfoms. Insted of one read-only, di web don turn to bi read-write. Insted make kompanis dem dey provide kontent to users, dem also bigin to provide platfoms to shia kontent wey user generate and enagage in user-to-user interakshons. As more pipol don kom online, one handful of top kompanis don bigin to kontrol amount of di trafik wey nor ekwol and value dem generate on di web. Web 2.0 don produs di revenue model wey advatisment dey drive. As users fit kreate kontent, dem nor own am abi benefit from im monetizashon.

Strukshure wey dey serve kustoma, wey dey reprisent Web 2.0

Web 3.0: Read-Write-Own

Dem form di premise of 'Web 3.0' by EthereumGavin Wood wey join kreate am shortly afta dem launch Ethereum in 2014. Gavin don write one solushon for palava wey many pipol wey first get crypto feel: di Web rikwaya plenti trust. Dat is, most of di Web wey pipol sabi and yus tuday rely on trusting many private kompanis to suppot di best intrest of di publik.

Strukshure disentralized node, wey dey reprisent Web3

Wetin bi web3?

Web3 don bikom one katch-all term for di vishon of new, betta intanet. At im kore, Web 3 dey yus blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs to give pawa bak to di users in di form of ownaship. One 2020 post on Twitter(opens in a new tab) tok am wella: Web1 na read-only, Web2 na read-write, Web3 go bi read-write-own.

Di main idias of Web3

Aldoh im dey hard to provide one rigid definashon of wetin Web3 bi, few main prinsipols dey guide im kreashon.

  • Web3 dey disentralized: insted of large swathes wey di intanet dey kontrol and wey dem sentralized entitis own, dem dey distribute ownaship among im builda and users.
  • Web3 nor get pamishon: efribodi get di same assess to patisipate in Web3, and dem nor inklude anyone.
  • Web3 get en own native payments: im dey yus cryptocurrency for spending and sending money online insted to dey rely on di infrastrukshure of banks and payments prosessors wey don expaya.
  • Web3 nor get trust: im dey yus insentives and ekonomik ways operate insted to dey rely on third-partis wey dem trust.

Why Web3 dey impotant?

Aldoh di killa feashures of Web3 nor dey alone and nor fit i to neat kategory, for simpol way wi don taya to seprate dem to make dem izy to undastand.


Web3 dey give yu ownaship of yor dijital assets in stranj way. For eksampol, sey yu dey play web2 game. If yu buy one in-game item, im dey tie diret to yor akant. If di pipol wey kreate game delete yor akant, yu go luz dis items. Abi, if yu stop to dey play di game, yu go luz di value wey yu invest into yor in-game items.

Web3 go give yu diret ownaship thru . Nor one, not even di pipol wey kretae di game, get di pawa to komot yor ownaship. And, if yu stop to dey play, yu fit sell abi trade yor in-game items on open markets and bring dem value back.

Make yu learn more abou NFTs
More abou NFTs

Sensorship resistans

Di pawa dynamik bitwin platfoms and pipol wey dey kreate kontent nor balans big taim.

OnlyFans na adult kontent site wey user dye generate wit ova 1-million pipol wey dey kreate kontent, plenti of wich dey yus di platfom as dem primary sorse of inkome. For August 2021, OnlyFans don announs plans to ban kontent wey dey show sex. Di announsment don kause palava among di pipol wey dey kreate on di platfom, wey feel sey di platfom dey rob dem of inkome on one platfom dem helep kreate. Afta di yab, dem bring back dia disishon kwik-kwik. Despite sey di pipol wey kreate dey win dis battol, im show one palava pipol wey kreate Web 2.0: yu luz di reputashon and followa wey yu gada if yu komot for di platfom.

On Web3, yor data dey live on di blockchain. Wen yu diside to leave one platfom, yu fit take yor reputashon wit yu, dey plug am into anoda intaface wey set wit yor value wella.

Web 2.0 wont make pipol wey dey kreate kontent to trust platfoms not to shanj di rules, but sensorship resistans na native feashure of Web3 platfom.

Disentralized autonomous organisashons (DAOs)

As yu own yor data in Web3, yu fit own di platfom as one, dey yus tokens dey bi laik shias in one kompany. DAOs dey allow yu koodinate disentralized ownaship of one platfom and dey make disishons about im fushure.

Dem difine DAOs as dem agree wey automate disentralized disishon-making ova plenti risorsis (tokens). Users wit tokens vote on hau dem spend risorsis, and di kode automatikaly pafoms di voting outkome.

Haueva, pipol difine many Web3 komunitis as DAOs. All dis komunitis dem get difren levels of disentralizashon and automashon by kode. Currently, we dey explore wetin DAOs be and how dem fit evolve in the future. Nau-nau, wi dey eksplore wetin DAOs bi and hau dem fit shanj in di fushure.

Una fit learn plenty about DAOs
More on DAOs


Normaly, yu go kreate one akant for efri platfom yu yus. For eksampol, yu fit get one Twitter akant, one YouTube akant, and one Reddit akant. Shey yu wont to shanj yor display name abi profile pikshure? Yu get to do am akross efri akant. Yu fit yus soshial sign-ins in some kases, but dis dey present one problem—sensorship wey dey familia. Wit one klik, dis platfoms fit komot yu from yor entaya online life. As e even bad pass, plenti platfoms nid yu to trust dem wit pesinaly identifiabol info to kreate one akant.

Web3 dey solve all dis palava as e dey alow yu kontrol yor dijital identity wit one Ethereum address and profile. To dey yus one Ethereum address dey provide singol login akross platfoms wey dey sikure, sensorship-resistant, and tins wi nor sabi.

Native payments

Web2 payment infrastrukshure rely on banks and payment prosessors, wey nor inklude pipol wey nor get akant abi doz wey hapun to live within di bordas of di wrong kountry. Web3 dey yus tokens laik to send money diret inside browsa and e nor nid any middol man.

More on ETH

Web3 limitations

Despite di plenti benefits of Web3 for im form nau, many limitashon still dey wey di ekosystem suppose resolve wey go make am florish.


Web3 feashures wey dey impotant, laik Sign-in wit Ethereum, dey afailabol for anyone to yu at zero kost. But, di relativ kost of transakshon still dey stop plenti pipol. Kountris wey nor get monie wella, wey just dey divelop nor fit dey Web3 wella due to high transakshon fees. On Ethereum, dem solve dis shanlejis thru di roadmap and . Di teknologi don ready, but wi nid more pipol to dey yus layer 2 to make Web3 accessibol to efribodi.

User ekspiriens

Di teknika blokage to start dey yus Web3 dey high wella. Pipol nid to ondastand sikurity matta, ondastand tehnika dokumentashon, and go thru di user intafase wey nor dey simpol. Wallet providas, in patikular, dem don dey work to solve dis, but dem nid more progress bifor plenti pipol go start to dey yus Web3.


Web3 dey introdus tins wey nid to dey learn difren mental models pass di ones dem dey yus in Web2.0. Na same edikashon drive don hapun as Web 1.0 dey gain popular in di late 1990s; pipol wey laik to dey suppot di world wide web don yus smoll edukashon teknik to edikate di publik from simpol metafors (di infomashon highway, browsa, surfing di web) to televishon broadkasts(opens in a new tab). Web3 nor hard, but im dey difrent. Edukashonal initiatives dey inform Web2 users abou dis Web3 shanjis dey impotant for im success. dey kontribute to Web3 edukashon thru awaTranslashon Program wey dey translate impotant kontents abou Ethereum to plenti languajis wey dey posibol.

Strukshure wey dey Sentralized

Di Web3 ekosystem dey young and dey grow kwik-kwik. As a rizut, im dipend mainly on sentralized infrastrukshure nau (GitHub, Twitter, Discord, etc.). Many Web3 kompanis dey rush to fill dis gaps, but to dey build infrastrukshure wey get high kwolity and dey reliabol dey take taim.

Fushure wey dey disentralized

Web3 na one ekosystem wey young and dey grow. Gavin Wood don kreate di term in 2014, but e neva tey wey many of dis idias dey hapun. For last year alone, intrest in cryptocurrency, imprufments to layer scaling solushons, plenti eksperiments wit new forms of gofanans, and revolushons in dijital identity don grow wella.

Wi just dey start to dey kreate betta Web wit Web3, but as we kontinu to impruf di infrastrukshure wey go suppot am, e bi laik sey di fushure of di Web go bright.

Hau I fit get involve

Further reading

Dem nor rily define Web3. Difrent pipol wey dey patisipate in Web3 get difrent opinion abou am. Hia na few of dem:

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